Hi, I'm political mom. I try to keep myself educated on all things American politics so that I can make informed voting decisions and raise up my children to know what is right, what is just, and what is Godly. As parents, we are the most important person in our children's lives and it is our superhero mission to "bring up your children in the ways they should go (Prov. 22:6)". To do this we have to be informed!
I inform myself by reading, researching, listening to wise council, and most importantly- praying! God is the ultimate judge in this world and only by tuning in to His wisdom can we truly have eternity-minded opinions.
Eternity-minded is a phrase I will most likely be using a lot on this page, so first and foremost I will give you a definition so that you understand what I mean.
ETERNITY-MINDED: The state in which we base our opinions and actions according to God's Word and His plan for this life and the one after. You become eternity-minded by reading the Bible and praying constantly so that your thoughts are hidden in His.
This blog is for sharing those opinions. I will be posting things about current events, hot topics, things on my mind, and occasionally some fun things about my family and our home life. This is also a place for me to share my tips about motherhood, being politically informed, and being eternity-minded.
I am a conservative Republican who is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-second amendment, and pro-America! I believe we are the greatest country on Earth and that we have been blessed by God. I also believe liberals want to change that and make us less extraordinary than we are. If we dont get back to following the Constitution that reminds the government of our God-given rights, we will slowly start losing those rights.
So thank you for visiting my page. I hope you have fun and learn something. Let me know if you have any questions by commenting below and I will do my best to answer them.
Disclaimer: I am not a theology expert or a pastor. I will just be sharing my heart with you all. Advice is only based on my experiences and views. You should always consult a pastor or other Biblical expert in many important things. I will remind you of this if I feel unable or unqualified to answer any questions.
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